"There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens."- ECC3:1

Chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes brings us a powerful message of mindfulness and it is a very appropriate thought and wisdom to kick off my new life and purpose.   It is time to close down a 35 year business career and it is time to start a new "entrepreneurial journey" of faith and service.  Over the last few months I purposely allowed  my heart and purpose roam somewhat adrift.  After many years working and toiling, I wanted to feel unattached, free and unencumbered.  It has been somewhat of a mind vacation but now I am ready to re-engage in a pursuit of spiritual fulfillment. I am hoping that at this new stage in my life, I drive and commit to goals and projects not driven by the mundane whims of corporate leadership...I am seeking to engage in projects and ideas that will allow me to spread  a message of hope and healing, coaching and growth.  I want it to be inspired by my experiences and the discernment found from my developing and evolving relationship with the Holy Spirit sustained through prayer and meditation. 

Nothing dramatic here, I know that I am not falling from a horse blinded by the light, but yet my aspiration is be transformative, meaningful and inspiring.  Searching for a new voice from the inspiration, wisdom and the insights that come from quiet prayer and careful listening.  I want to work hard to find and share God's voice, the powerful and thundering voice that is all around us, yet we fail to listen...the voice that claims for justice, for fairness, for love, for help, for forgiveness, indeed it is all around us.  I want to tune in and amplify this very special spiritual broadcast.  I want to find the right station,  simplifying my spiritual routine,  daily prayer and contemplation, bringing focus and action to the sustaining time and insights inspired by  our Lord. 

 I move forward committed to find a voice and offer a simple and accessible channel to reach and engage, sharing a message that delivers personal freedom, peace, love, understanding and service.  I am grateful and excited for the opportunity to walk a new path, set a new trail, seeking to help and sustain brothers and sisters in the search of a fulfilling relationship with our Higher Power, praying that we can all benefit from an empowering spirituality, unbound growth and endless healing.  


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